Friday 14 November 2014

Guess what....

Thats right, NEW VIDEO!! yaaay!!

Trip to uni!

Also, if you guys have any questions for a Q&A video, which i really fancy doing, tweet me or comment down below or on a video!

Love you!


Wednesday 12 November 2014


So Halloween is a thing!

And this year is the 1st year that Chloe and me went in a couples costume thing!

And If you cant tell who we were, we were Cosmo and Wanda from Fairly Odd Parents!

Look at the dedication there! I dyed my hair green! I know! 

I had to bleach, dye it, walk around for a week after Halloween with green hair, all very, very stressful things.

However, not as stressful as what Chloe went through.

Shes the one that made the wands and the crowns...which floated by the way! 

.....and when I say floated I mean the way they were attached to the hair bands we were wearing made them look like they were floating.

But lets be honest! 

We looked pretty shit hot!

What did you guys do for Halloween? Have you ever done a couples costume? Or a group costume?

Let me know in the comments!


YouTube guys! Subscribe!! Please? :(


YouTube again...!

So I done ANOTHER video! Thats almost regular!

Heres a link!

Ran Out of Sheep!

Remember to like and Subscribe please :)

Love you guys!!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Notes N Stuff...

So I've got a new video on my YouTube channel!

Heres a Link!!

Notes n Stuff!!

Go have a look, subscribe, like all that jazz!!


Sunday 26 October 2014

Laundry day....

So today is laundry day!

When I first found out that my halls had a laundromat thing I got probably a little too excited... But I had always seen them on American TV shows and I had never used one!

Don't get me wrong, I have used a washing machine before, I'm lazy but not incompetent. Although I'd never used a dryer before, normally just hung my stuff out.

Best thing about laundry day though?
Is it the clean clothes? 
The warm pants that come out the dryer?

No, it's the laundry ootd!

A day that makes it acceptable I wear pj bottoms and an old T-shirt in public!

Remember to check out my YouTube and give me suggestions on Twitter!


Thursday 23 October 2014

How to survive....


I think I have a swollen glands in my neck, and I can't even turn my head to the left without being in pain :(.

But I promised a post on how to attempt to live thrifty at uni.

Now I think the one of the biggest things that has helped me so far is, I had a stash of food to bring down with me to start with. And when I say stash, I mean a whole suitcase full of stuff like tinned things and cheesy pasta!

Now it may not look like the most delicious thing in the world, but trust me, it is amazing! It's cheap and apparently a box of it feeds 4 people, so you can eat it over the course of the day if you want as well.

Also another good idea is always go online and look for any companies that are doing any freebie offers.

Like, the other week there, McDonalds were celebrating 40 years in the UK, so you could get lots and LOTS of free food! I ate free McDonalds for 5 days straight!


I can't stress this part enough! Don't get me wrong, loads of places around you're uni will serve £1 drinks, but it'll still be cheaper if you drink before you head off out!

Play drinking games, throw parties....but don't drink on your own in your room, that leads to alcoholism.

p.s. always drink responsibly!

Till next time!


Thursday 9 October 2014

How did I get here....?

So, I thought I would let you know a bit more about how I'm getting on living down here in sunny Sunderland (See what I did there?)

I guess if I'm going to start anywhere, I should start from the beginning.

So as you might know, before I came down, I was staying at Chloes Mum and dads house for a bit.

(If your like, "Who the fuck is Chloe?" check out Day 2...Man must work)

So I left Chloe's and headed off for the Train. Now they live just outside Edinburgh, so I had to get a train into Edinburgh (Chloe came with me that far), and then from Edinburgh to Newcastle, WHICH I got First Class cause I'm a "Classy" kinda guy. (First Class. Classy. Damn I'm on a role with the funnies right now.)

Then from Newcastle, I got the Metro.

Which looks a lot more daunting than it actually is.

...Although I, at the time, was carrying two suitcases, a massive rucksack AND a backpack. I looked like a donkey going on an expedition.

When I got into Sunderland, I got a taxi down to my halls, mainly because I had carried those bags enough.

When I got to the halls, there was like a crazy little welcome team who helped me get my keys and my luggage upstairs to my room...yeah I picked one up 4 sets of stairs, good one Kieran!

That was when I met the first of my flatmates. Shona came out her room, saw me, then ran upstairs to tell Lindsey "We've got another one"

But everyone I've met since Ive came down here have been amazing. Couldn't have asked for a better group of people.

On the next WTKieran!?...

How to survive on Cheesy Pasta, Sandwiches and £1 drinks!!

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Uni doesn't give you free time....

So yeah, I'm at Uni...and it hasn't left me much time for writing on my blog, for which I'm very sorry about.

Forgive me?
How about now?

You do!?

Aw shucks you guys!

So I've been down in Sunderland for nearly a Month now...think it'll be a month on Saturday, but honestly it feels like I've been here for MONTHS!

I don't know if its all the experiences that I've had so far.

My awesome flatmates and new friends.

....Or maybe it's the alcohol making everything hazy and like it was waaaay in the past.

But I do have a couple of plans for the old bloggy, woggy, moggy, soggy.....sorry, I've taken this too far, but it's like nearly 5 in the morning and I've had no sleep, what do you expect!?

So I went and saw Frank Turner at the end of last month.

So I'll review that for all you musical aficionados, and for you movie buffs? Well I went and saw a film the other day there, which I did not expect to go see as I thought it would be shit, but blew my mind.

I've also just finished editing a new YouTube video (finally, I know, but I'm an unorganised, useless fucker. You should know this by now.) So that'll be going up very, very soon...I hope.

And remember, if there's anything else you would like to see me do, or write about, or podcast about...cause I am struggling for ideas on the podcast from right now...just leave me a comment or tweet me! Or even email me!

Twitter: @WTKieran

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Life doesn't fit in a suitcase...

So this is a picture of Chloe, trying to shut a suitcase filled with stuff I'm taking down to uni...

As you can see, I have a fair amount of things.

Want  to know whats worse!?

I' taking TWO suitcases, AND an 80 litre rucksack...And I still won't have all my things with me!

Originally, I had planned on driving down to uni with my things...however I haven't passed my test sadly :(.

Sooo, I'm heading down on the train and this is the best way I could get my things there.

It has also REALLY hit home, how soon this will all be happening.

Scared: Yes
Nervous: Yes
Excited: Defiantly


I know I haven't done a review or anything in a while, BUT, I will before this time next week. 
Any suggestions? Tweet me or leave me a comment.

OH! and I done an ice bucket challenge which I'm editing just now, keep a look out for that!

Thursday 28 August 2014

I'm Still Here...Guys?

Hello everyone!

So, since I last wrote, I've left my flat.

Like all of us left, and by left I mean moved out...

I didn't just finally leave my house after months of being a Hermit or anything.

So currently I'm living between my mums house, my grans house AND my girlfriends mums's a tad stressy, but I will prevail!

Anyway it's only for another 2 weeks till I head off to Uni....wait...I go to Uni in 2 weeks


Tuesday 12 August 2014

So, I guess it's started......

I'm assuming the majority of the world is writing about this, and surprisingly I feel personally impacted by it.

Robin Williams, has passed away.

The reason I feel I need to talk about this, is because I'm confused as why it has made me so sad!
I never knew him personally, I never met him face to face or even seen him across the street, yet when I think that Robin Williams is no longer with us, it makes me feel sad.
After thinking about this, I've realised why!
I like to make people laugh. I always have and I hope I always will, and Robin was one of my major influences as a kid.
There was him, Jim Carrey and Mike Myers.
Over time other names have been added to the list like, Will Ferrell and Kevin Smith, to name a few.
But I think it's the realisation that my hero's are starting to pass. Admittedly, this wasn't a natural death, but that doesn't really matter at the end of the day.
Sometimes those who make us smile, are the saddest of all.
R.I.P. Robin
Anyway that's all.
Just needed to get that off my chest.
Hopefully next time it'll be a happier post!

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Unemployed....or Full Time Student...?

Hey guys!

So yesterday was my last day working for Morrisons =O!!

I did something I never thought I would do, and something I've told loads of other people not to do, I left my job....without another one waiting!

My excuse is pretty concrete however!

Since I'm going to Uni....honestly look that through on Monday so it's all confirmed and shit.

I've decided to take August to myself to make sure I can go see people since I'm moving pretty far away, check out here where I'm heading too Intro I Guess

But yeah, I'm going to go  make sure I've seen people, because I'm going to miss some people! Cause yunno I am human after all and I will miss people being on my own miles from home

Anyway, less of the negativity, I'm now unemployed. But that sounds shit, so here is a list of things I've thought to call it instead:

  • Full time student
  • Freelancer
  • Between jobs
  • Blogger
  • Podcaster
  • YouTuber
  • Philosopher
  • Writer
  • Bullshitter
Now the thing about all of the above is....I don't make money from them! September I'll be getting Uni money but until then! 

So remember to check out my YouTube Channel and Podcasts, Links below! 

So till next time guys, hit me up on Twitter, @WTKieran or leave some comments down below!


Friday 25 July 2014

Making things look fancy....

So if you have been here before, you'll notice that I've had the decorators in.

What do you guys think?

I wasn't originally going to go with red, I prefer purple, but all in all I'm extremely happy with how everything looks.

And I've put another video up, WHICH was a pain in the arse because it took like four hours to upload.

If you could go give it a watch that would be awesome!

My New Video!

Till next time!


Wednesday 23 July 2014

Hello Everyone...

Well hello there!!

It's been ages!

How have you been?

That's good, I've been alright, busy, but good.

I finally got round to doing that YouTube video I said I was going to do, well I never told you what I was going to do in it, but I have done one!

I got a Loot Crate so I did my video as an un-boxing, and boy was there some awesome things in there!

What awesomeness was contained within? well if you really want to know... have a look here!! WTKieran YouTube Début

Let me know what you think! Even if you don't like it, let me know what's wrong and I'll see if I can make it better...however if its my face you don't like well, I cant do much about that ha.

I will be coming back and blogging though! I haven't forgotten this place...even though its been like a month since I last posted.

I'm still collecting comics so I'll probably come and do a review on them.

Which reminds me! Happy Batman Day!! Its the sexy man in blacks 75th birthday today!

Anyway, till next time!

And remember leave a comment or tweet me @WTKieran


Friday 27 June 2014


I know, I know, I failed the challenge already. Maybe a year straight was a bit of a push after all!

But I guess I'll just have to try again!

So about the whole "building a brand" thing I hinted towards in my last post. I'm going to start vlogging and doing general YouTube-y stuff!

I bought myself a nice lil camera with some birthday cash, and once I feel ready I'm going push WTKieran to the next level. That means there will be a WTKieran!? blog, podcast, vine and YouTube channel!

I'm very excited about the whole situation!

So what would you guys like to see from me on YouTube? Anything you want to know? Tweet me your suggestion, or leave a comment down below!

Oh and I think I may need a catchy sign off thing....any suggestions?


Wednesday 25 June 2014

I'm sorry, I'm usual


I know I said I would start a month of blogs, but I ended up being uncontrollably detained.

First of all it was my birthday, I think I can be excused for that, secondly I went off down to Newcastle and Sunderland for a couple of days, just to get the feel of the place as I'm going to live there in a few months.

So over the next couple days, I'll be blogging about my trip, and stuff I bought that, places I went and my plans for the only clue to this is building a brand. I'll also be finally doing my Batman Eternal review.

Till tomorrow!


Check out my Vines and Podcasts!

Podcast:        WTKieran
Vine:             WTKieran

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Finally got round to doing another one.....

I gone done a new podcast! Its been aaaages since I last did one but these are the reasons I felt it necessary to hit the mic again...

Yeah.... Go give it a listen and everything will be explained!!
Here's the link WTKieran Podcast

And I've started doing vines so go give them a look WTKieran Vine

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Again, really....?

Well, failed my driving test....AGAIN!

That's the third time I've taken it and this time I was sooooo close but I got stuck with the head examiner doing my test and he was pretty strict with the whole thing. 

I mean don't get me wrong, I understand that they HAVE to be strict because you can't just let anyone out on the roads, it would be havoc! But I am a very good driver and I never had anything majorly wrong, I apparently done something wrong with gears 5 times and that caused me to fail. 

But it's fine, I'm going to get back on the horse....or in the driver seat as the case may be. 

Did any of you guys fail your test? Got one coming up? Or have you got any hints or tips for my next test? 

Let me know in the comments or tweet me!

Oh and I've started on vine! Go have a look, if you guys like my vines I may even start doing YouTube videos! 


Wednesday 4 June 2014

I'm sorry, but I have a plan....!

I feel bad that I'm not what you'd call a constant updater....maybe you wouldn't call it that because I don't think anyone has ever used that phrase before...

Anyway I decided that as my birthday is coming I was going to aim to have one post, per day all they way up to my next birthday!

Then I was told that could possibly be a bit too big of a commitment so I should just aim for a month straight first as a trial.... 

....and if that goes well, then 3 months, then 6 then so on and so forth.

What do you guys think? Is a post a day too much anyway? Are you excited that I'll be posting more content?

Let me know in the comments or on twitter at @WTKieran

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Hey there Kieran from 2021...

So Chloe and me have been sitting watching LOOOOADS of Scrubs, hence the Dr Cox like extended vowels.

Well J.D. just hit his 30th birthday and had a list of things he wanted to have accomplished by the time he hit that age. So here's ours.

  1. Have a kid! You know you're going to be awesome at having Kids
  2. You just decided to put the wedding back a year, this ones just in case you keep putting it back, just get that 2nd ring on her. Remember PRE-NUPS ARE FOR PUSSIES.
  3. I want you to be working in the media industry somewhere. I just finished stressing `over that fucking 2nd year graded unit, and I'm pretty sure that's where some of your greys came from, so make it worth it.
  4. Lose some weight! If you're going to have kids, you wanna see them get I'm pretty sure Chloe would kill you if you died younger than 50...well bring me back to life then kill us again.
  5. Learn an instrument properly, you deserve it.
  6. Oh yeah finish writing a movie.
  7. And now, aim to have a chat show for 40! Craig Ferguson would like it.
  8. Shit I almost forgot, go see a live SModco show, they are HILARIOUS!!
Now, I believe that's enough. Hopefully you'll have done a few of them, and if you and Chloe have had "differences" I hope mentioning her in this doesn't bug you.

And if anyone else is reading this, have you got anything you want accomplished by the next big miles stone in your life? Let me know in the Comments or tweet me! 

Friday 23 May 2014

She's coming with me...

I was unexpectedly busy on Thursday, which is my usual day that I visit the comic book shop, so I'm going tomorrow instead.

The thing is, my girl's coming with me!

Now she isn't a fan of this genre of entertainment and normally can't stand to be in the shop for more than 5 minutes.

She has however said we can stay as long as I want to tomorrow, so you never know, I might find her something that could change her outlook on the situation!

Any of you guys got an other half who isn't into what you're into? Lemme know on twitter or in the comments below!!

Oh and if you have a spare sec, go give my Graded Unit a listen, click on the link here >>>> WTKieran Mixcloud


Wednesday 21 May 2014

Graded Unit yo!

Thats it! It's done! I did my graded unit for college!

I think it went pretty well, not as well as I hoped but still pretty good.

The best thing though, I enjoyed doing it! It did come across more like a podcast, but then again I really enjoy podcasting.

So here's a link guys, let me know what you think!

Graded unit


Just because I can....

So I'm writing this post on my phone.

 I know it doesn't sound spectacular, but I've never done it before so I decided to go for it.

 I don't have much to say, as I'm saving all the good stuff for my next proper post.

That being said, I'll be posting that later in the week! 


Tuesday 20 May 2014

Harley Quinn Review: 3

Well, it's like I warned you guys, if you didn't tell me if the last review sucked, I would just end up doing another one. So here we go!

Issue 3

Issue 3 has a a cover that...I really can't find the words to explain, so here it is.

Like I said, how do you describe this!? I love it! But...I can't put my finger on why. I think its because of how contradicting it is. It also shows both of the sides of Harley that this comic is trying to put across. It shows her manic, psychotic side, but it also shows that at the end of the Harley is still just a girl who wants some love.

The comic focuses on how Valentines day get Harley down cause she's feeling alone. Luckily however, her dear friend Poison Ivy left her a little gift on her recent visit. She has left Harley a plant that produces berries that cause any man in her vicinity to fall head over heels for her and she is chased all over the city by men. 

The comic is a fun read, especially for the time of year it came out, but it doesn't really effect the story in a major way, kinda the same why episodes like The lodger didn't effect season 5 of Doctor Who.

WTK rates this: 4/5

Monday 12 May 2014

Wait a minute....

Frozen? Already!?

What the Kieran!?

Isn't it a bit soon??

For those who haven't guest what I'm talking about, the TV show Once Upon a Time, has introduced what....and I can't even joke about this, can only be described at Elsa from Frozen.

I get that Frozen is HUGE right now, and quite a lot of the characters in OUAT are based on Disney counter parts but it seems like she has just been thrown in there to create a viewership spike.

She is being introduced as the "Big Bad" for the next season of OUAT. But I can't think why! Sure Frozen is big right now, but come the start of season four, will it still be as big?

What are your thoughts?

Lemme know in the comments, tweet me!


Wednesday 7 May 2014

Harley Quinn review: 0-2

So I'm going to take a crack at reviewing, so you guys really need to let me know if you don't like it....otherwise I will probably just keep doing it.

Since it is going to be my first review, I thought I would do my first proper monthly comic collection......
So I was out in Edinburgh shopping one day with my dear other half and, of course I felt it necessary to pop into Forbidden Planet, previously the only place I knew of where I could get a fix when I got "dat ole junky geek itch". So I was looking through the racks, and to be honest I never usually buy anything, cause I always found it hard to jump into the collecters world, just in case I couldn't keep up with the issues, or it was the middle of a massive plot line and so on. So I would normally grab them when they came out in graphic novel volumes. 

Then I saw Harley. Issue's 0 and 1 on the shelf and I thought amazing! It was my way in, it was the start of a storyline and I could possibly even collect the whole set!

Anyway, now onto the review!!

Issue 0

I got the standard cover for issue 0....

                                                                                                           ........which as you can see is fairly attention grabbing. I loved how it referenced where Harley has come from, without having to scream about it too loudly. It also introduces the comedic, light hearted element that the comic has in the very first speech bubble. The issue itself contains severally Harley "shorts", where several different artists have their way with her.

Overall it was a brilliant introduction to a fantastic new book series and made sure the readers would come back for more

WTK rates it: 5/5

Issue 1

Issue one almost feels like the second act in an origins movie. Mainly because Harley's origins don't need to be addressed, however she has been moved to a new city, been given a place to run and live. By run I'm talking about how the ground floor is a Freak show attraction and one of the floors has 8 different apartments. Making her Landlady of course. Then she finds out that she need to get A JOB!! Like a real one! Which almost makes it feel like Ally McBeal, I think...I've never watched it, however from what I've gathered it's about a woman trying to make it in the big city on her own and such. 
The humour in issue is what drives it for me personally and then the big reveal at the end gives the book it's edge.

Overall a fun read and a great way to get the reader settled into what the future of the book will be about.

WTK rates it: 3.5/5

Issue 2

This one almost stopped my heart when I opened the book...

I'll just let that sink in for a minute...done? Good.
But yeah I know! Joker was shown, with his face!! It is coloured in the actual issue, it also turns out that this Joker is made of wax and is part of an attraction on the ground floor of Harley's building. The main plot point of issue 2 surrounds Harley deciding to house a mass of animals that were due to be "put to sleep". Then we also have a fantastic cameo from Poison Ivy!

Overall the issue was an enjoyable read, and I loved them showing Harley and Ivy's relationship.

WTK rates it: 4/5

Well guys, I'm going to cut this one here, and I'll review issues 3 and 4 this weekend.
Let me know what you think! Have I wrote too much? Too little? A lot a rubbish?
Leave a comment or send me a tweet! I'm actually nice.


Tuesday 6 May 2014

Trust me I'm full of excuses...

I want to say sorry for not writing nearly as much as I should on this guys. It's getting to the end of the year for my college course so I've been focusing on that a fair bit. I've also got work and I'm still attempting to write my movie.

Buuuut keep your eyes peeled for Thursday!.....or possibly Friday depending on how I feel, as I will be doing my review of the first 5 issues of Batman Eternal!

So there you have it folks, short and sweet!

Oh, and I've been planning on making my blog look nice as well, looks kinda boring don't you think?

So if you have any suggestions leave me a comment OR send me a Tweet!


Saturday 26 April 2014

Complain on the Train!

So yeah, I'm writing this sitting on a train.

I've seen people do this before, sitting on trains, on their laptops typing away working on some kind of work project.

I on the other hand, I am doing this so no-one sits beside me.

I know that sounds terribly unsociable, which is extremely unlike me, but you guys probably haven't had the public transport experiences that I have!

I'm not just talking about your typical smelly Joe or Jane Bloggs, even if that is one of the major contributing factors haha. I'm talking about people who have either too much stuff, or too many kids!!

Because the trains that I get are designed with tables and 4 seats around them, if I end up on my own, families of five, sometimes more, decide to to sit beside me! So then you have one parent next to me with all their shopping getting stuffed under the table and some on top. Across from me will be two kids sharing a seat and the other parent with a screaming young child on their knee.

So you end up squished into the window, with the parents shouting at the kids, or even each other!! And to top it off, the two squirming kids who have been jammed into one seat together are now kicking me under the table.

I know, #firstworldproblems and all that....but yunno what? I decided to just say what the Kieran and take up all the table space for myself.

Oh and I uploaded a new show to my Mixcloud!! Go have a listen!

What do you guys dislike about public transport? What do you hate most planes, trains or buses? Or do you think I should just keep quiet and deal with it?


Monday 21 April 2014

I know, it's been a while....

Like the title says, it's been while.

How you been? Good? I hope so!!

I have been busier than, than....than a thing that is so busy it barely slows down to think!

Also, its been really sunny and nice the past couple of days where I am, (I know right? Scotland hot!), and heat does tend to make one lazy.

However during my absence, a few things happened that I feel I should talk about. But I'm going to start with this!

Batman Eternal issue 1

Although I am a bit of a geek, or so I'm told, because of where I was brought up, there was no comic book stores. I was unable to embrace the comic lifestyle as I wanted to. 

The first way I got into the characters because of the early 90's cartoon shows, yunno Batman TAS, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Superman TAS and so on. 

I did buy a few graphic novels over the years but anyway....getting off topic, I do enjoy a rant.

I took a trip to the new(-ish) comic book store that's closest to me, (I say ish because it's been open a year now) and grabbed both issue 1 AND 2, because I hadn't realised it was going to be a weekly!

I opened the book to one of the most striking first panels I'd ever laid eyes on...

Gotham is in flames, and it's saviour bound, bloodied and very broken. The dialogue that surrounds him is more mental anguish, to defeat and undermine him further. 

The fact they have shown what is eluded to be "The End", its a plot device I really enjoy in movies, so I'm extremely excited to see how it works in an illustrated format.....illustrated format? who the f%&k talks like that? I'm extremely excited to see how it works in a comic!

We are then introduced to Detective Jason Bard, his first appearance in the New 52 continuity. The way I read it personally, I thought he would be the one who's perspective the comic would be viewed in.

Anyway thats a brief introduction to Eternal, I will however do a proper review once it reaches issue 5, so look out for that.

Are you excited about the Batman Eternal series? What are your theories? Or even just ask me a question if you want! 

Oh and I put up a new show on my mixcloud! So go give that a look What The Kieran Mixcloud

Or if you have no idea what I'm going on about just say What the Kieran, maybe the next one will make sense xD!!

Thursday 27 March 2014

So, I've got an idea for a movie

Now I've had this idea for a movie, I know right? Never thought I'd be coming up with movie pitches hah!

By the way this is going to be quite the short post, just thought I'd put my ideas onto paper...whatever!

As you know, I study radio and I want to be in the media business. And I was doing a show and normally there is a bunch of us kicking around the studio and the radio department  at the college and I started thinking the best bits of the day usually happen between the songs!

I'm going to make a movie of those parts, the parts when we are just chilling, chatting, without really caring about what we are saying.

I don't know how I'm going to shoot it yet, I keep thinking maybe a fly-on-the-wall thing, but I think that might take away from the facial reactions.

Anyways I'll keep you up to date about it when I get a more solid idea

Till next time, check out my latest show at What The Kieran!?

Tuesday 25 March 2014

SMod God

Kevin Smith

This is my new inspiration. Mr Kevin Smith, writer, director, actor, producer, podcaster, general media polymath.

I really don't understand how it has taken so long in my life to discover this genius. Now don't get me wrong, I had heard of some of his work, and I'm pretty sure I had seen Dogma at some point, but other than that I had never really taken note of his work.

However it was thanks to one of the guys in my class that I first heard a SModcast.

SModcast was started in 2007 just after Kev wrapped up Clerks 2. It was suggested to him and his producer and long time friend Scott Mosier that they should start a blog or do a podcast to help with the marketing of the movie. It has since spawned loads of other "SModcasts" on their station, with their friends taking to the mic to embrace the podcaster lifestyle.

Listening to these podcasts has made me realise that, sure maybe I want to be a proper radio presenter for my normal job, I mean thats why I'm studying radio. But I have nights, and a hand held recorder, I just need an angle for my podcasts, something that will allow me to be able to do them alone, because thats what I have been struggling with just now. I think sometime I sound as if I'm just rambling on so I prefer to have a "co-host" of sorts, someone to discuss with, bounce off of.

But anyway, thanks to big Kev I know I'm going to do it, and yunno what? See even if I fail, I'll just sit back and say What the Kieran, the next show will be better.

Monday 24 March 2014

Gothmites Unite!

Think this might be my first "geeky" post...buuut I am true geek, and I like to embrace that aspect of myself so here we go.

Be forewarned this could end up almost "free writing"<<<(thats a link incase you dont know what free writing is, I didnt until like a month ago to be honest).

So when I first heard that there was plans for a televison show based of the Gotham City P.D. centring on a younger James Gordon I thought, meeh yeah sure, this'll be good if it's done right. But the one thing I did not want, what I thought would completely destroy a good, tense, gritty, cop drama set in a fictional universe that I completely adore, is involving baby Bruce!

The original concept that I thought would be amazing, and by original concept I mean my own concept that I would have used if I had been writing it, however after reading my blog I'm sure you'll be able to see that me writing probably isn't the best idea in the world. But, as I was saying, the idea I had was if they had set the show in the years when Bruce was off travelling the world training to ultimately one day become our beloved Dark Knight. Let us see how the Gothamites and the GCPD dealt with a city that was slowly growing worse and darker than anyone could have ever imagined.

I loved the idea of Jim Gordon being our main protagonist, watching him struggle to fight an evil, a disease almost, that, no matter how hard he fight, no matter how much of his blood sweat and tears he pours into this City,he cannot make it better. But it would also have been nice to see his small victories, the things that gave him hope, the hope that makes Gordon the good cop that he is. And it isn't just the criminals that he would have to go against but bent cops, crooked judges and paid off D.A.'s, a system that is rotten right to its very core.

Now that was what I would have like, what I have been given, however, seems to be and odd story about little eight year old Bruce, fair enough his parents have just died and he has to acclimatise himself to the life of an orphan...a rich orphan, but alone in the world none the less.

He isn't the only character that I'm not overly pleased with. The fact they have brought in a child Catwoman....or I guess it woudl be KittenGirl in this instance, also bugs me. Are they really going to give an eight year old a love interest? And there are rumours of origin stories for Joker, Riddler, Two-Face and of course, if you have been following the development of the show, Penguin.....

.....who looks a lot more like Alberto Falcone (A.K.A. The Holiday Killer) 

But thats a discussion for another day, perhaps after the first episode?

But to be honest, Penguin was my personal favourite to be the main antagonist of the production, to watch him climb his way up, or is it down the ladder? of the Gotham underworld. Plus to me, the penguin has always been like a fifty something year old, comfortable in his power and knowledge that not a single dirty penny goes through Gotham with passing his greasy palm first, and to see him get to that stage in life, to see who he had to step over, snitch on, kill even, could be a brilliant storyline!

Well I guess what I want you guys to take away from this is that I don't want a show about little Bruce Wayne and his school yard enemies and the GCPD pushed into the background where they are normally relegated too. Give them there time in the sun! 

My rant aside, I also have hope that the show could possibly have the, what I like to call, Regeneration Factor. By this I allude to my other geeky goddess, Doctor Who. Whenever a new Doctor is announced people always doubt them, then like 2 episodes in they can't get enough of them!! So hopefully Gotham will deliver where I would like it too, or maybe even in areas I haven't concidered.

Leave me some comments on what your thoughts are on Gotham. Let me know what you are excited about, not to sure about and of course if you have no idea what I'm talking about just say WHAT THE KIERAN!? 

Friday 21 March 2014

Motivation, I know thee not...

I...I just can't be bothered.

The past couple of months I seem to have neither motivation or conviction in anything I do.

Whether it's course work, house work, podcasting or this, I just cannot be bothered with it. I seem to start things, and I'd rather sit around and munch god damn microwave pizza's!

It's starting to think this is far past laziness and I need a solution!

I went looking for something to help me keep orginised and creative, cause yunno I need to be creative for college and if I ever want to take my podcasting serious.

...this is what I found

Now, chances are I'm guessing you may have seen this before and to be honest...I'm just like, what is this shit!? Dont get me wrong, some of the ideas aren't too bad, however most of it is stating the obvious, and other bits are just..." 21. count your blessings"

So if any of you guys have any ideas on how to pull myself out of my rut the right word? or spelling for that matter?

And you can still check out my podcasts on my Mixcloud page! WTKieran

And remember if you dont know the answer just tell 'em What The Kieran!!

Saturday 8 March 2014

Day must work

So while I'm still "living the dream" up here in Scotland, I'm saving cash for a couple of things.

The first, is of course the fact I'm moving away I'm gonna need some cash for uni.

The next is is....I REEEEALLY want a Mac, gaww cause they're so super beautiful and shiny and stuff!

And I guess the most important thing I'm saving for is my Wedding. that's right someone thought I was tolerable enough to spend the rest of their life with.

Thats her...cutie aint she!

So to get the money for this, on top of all my hard college work and my podcasting, which I swear I'm going to start doing more often,  and now this! I work in a supermarket on the Deli counter.

That's right cooked meats and cheeses, the excitement never ends. But it's still a pretty good job for the time being. PLUS time and a half on a Sunday!

So like the title says man must work, so off to work I go.

I promise my posts will start to get a tad more lively, Im just breaking myself in gently, just putting the tip in....

And remember next time you dont know the answer scream WHAT THE KIERAN!!

Friday 7 March 2014

Intro I guess

Well to be honest I'm not much of a writer but I'll give anything a try!

I'm a radio student and I thought I could use a blog to help both my writing and to promote my podcast WTKieran (what the kieran)

The podcast is mainly geeky conversations and my shows from college radio station.

I'm also moving away this September to Sunderland, in England for University.

I live in Fife in Scotland right now though (thats the place on the other side of the bridge from Edinburgh), so it's quite a move

So without any further ado, here is a link to my Mixcloud so you can give it a listen.

WTKieran podcast

And remember, next time someone says something stupid yell WHAT THE KIERAN!?