Tuesday 28 October 2014

Notes N Stuff...

So I've got a new video on my YouTube channel!

Heres a Link!!

Notes n Stuff!!

Go have a look, subscribe, like all that jazz!!


Sunday 26 October 2014

Laundry day....

So today is laundry day!

When I first found out that my halls had a laundromat thing I got probably a little too excited... But I had always seen them on American TV shows and I had never used one!

Don't get me wrong, I have used a washing machine before, I'm lazy but not incompetent. Although I'd never used a dryer before, normally just hung my stuff out.

Best thing about laundry day though?
Is it the clean clothes? 
The warm pants that come out the dryer?

No, it's the laundry ootd!

A day that makes it acceptable I wear pj bottoms and an old T-shirt in public!

Remember to check out my YouTube and give me suggestions on Twitter!


Thursday 23 October 2014

How to survive....


I think I have a swollen glands in my neck, and I can't even turn my head to the left without being in pain :(.

But I promised a post on how to attempt to live thrifty at uni.

Now I think the one of the biggest things that has helped me so far is, I had a stash of food to bring down with me to start with. And when I say stash, I mean a whole suitcase full of stuff like tinned things and cheesy pasta!

Now it may not look like the most delicious thing in the world, but trust me, it is amazing! It's cheap and apparently a box of it feeds 4 people, so you can eat it over the course of the day if you want as well.

Also another good idea is always go online and look for any companies that are doing any freebie offers.

Like, the other week there, McDonalds were celebrating 40 years in the UK, so you could get lots and LOTS of free food! I ate free McDonalds for 5 days straight!


I can't stress this part enough! Don't get me wrong, loads of places around you're uni will serve £1 drinks, but it'll still be cheaper if you drink before you head off out!

Play drinking games, throw parties....but don't drink on your own in your room, that leads to alcoholism.

p.s. always drink responsibly!

Till next time!


Thursday 9 October 2014

How did I get here....?

So, I thought I would let you know a bit more about how I'm getting on living down here in sunny Sunderland (See what I did there?)

I guess if I'm going to start anywhere, I should start from the beginning.

So as you might know, before I came down, I was staying at Chloes Mum and dads house for a bit.

(If your like, "Who the fuck is Chloe?" check out Day 2...Man must work)

So I left Chloe's and headed off for the Train. Now they live just outside Edinburgh, so I had to get a train into Edinburgh (Chloe came with me that far), and then from Edinburgh to Newcastle, WHICH I got First Class cause I'm a "Classy" kinda guy. (First Class. Classy. Damn I'm on a role with the funnies right now.)

Then from Newcastle, I got the Metro.

Which looks a lot more daunting than it actually is.

...Although I, at the time, was carrying two suitcases, a massive rucksack AND a backpack. I looked like a donkey going on an expedition.

When I got into Sunderland, I got a taxi down to my halls, mainly because I had carried those bags enough.

When I got to the halls, there was like a crazy little welcome team who helped me get my keys and my luggage upstairs to my room...yeah I picked one up 4 sets of stairs, good one Kieran!

That was when I met the first of my flatmates. Shona came out her room, saw me, then ran upstairs to tell Lindsey "We've got another one"

But everyone I've met since Ive came down here have been amazing. Couldn't have asked for a better group of people.

On the next WTKieran!?...

How to survive on Cheesy Pasta, Sandwiches and £1 drinks!!

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Uni doesn't give you free time....

So yeah, I'm at Uni...and it hasn't left me much time for writing on my blog, for which I'm very sorry about.

Forgive me?
How about now?

You do!?

Aw shucks you guys!

So I've been down in Sunderland for nearly a Month now...think it'll be a month on Saturday, but honestly it feels like I've been here for MONTHS!

I don't know if its all the experiences that I've had so far.

My awesome flatmates and new friends.

....Or maybe it's the alcohol making everything hazy and like it was waaaay in the past.

But I do have a couple of plans for the old bloggy, woggy, moggy, soggy.....sorry, I've taken this too far, but it's like nearly 5 in the morning and I've had no sleep, what do you expect!?

So I went and saw Frank Turner at the end of last month.

So I'll review that for all you musical aficionados, and for you movie buffs? Well I went and saw a film the other day there, which I did not expect to go see as I thought it would be shit, but blew my mind.

I've also just finished editing a new YouTube video (finally, I know, but I'm an unorganised, useless fucker. You should know this by now.) So that'll be going up very, very soon...I hope.

And remember, if there's anything else you would like to see me do, or write about, or podcast about...cause I am struggling for ideas on the podcast from right now...just leave me a comment or tweet me! Or even email me!

Twitter: @WTKieran
Email: WTKieran@gmail.com