Thursday 28 August 2014

I'm Still Here...Guys?

Hello everyone!

So, since I last wrote, I've left my flat.

Like all of us left, and by left I mean moved out...

I didn't just finally leave my house after months of being a Hermit or anything.

So currently I'm living between my mums house, my grans house AND my girlfriends mums's a tad stressy, but I will prevail!

Anyway it's only for another 2 weeks till I head off to Uni....wait...I go to Uni in 2 weeks


Tuesday 12 August 2014

So, I guess it's started......

I'm assuming the majority of the world is writing about this, and surprisingly I feel personally impacted by it.

Robin Williams, has passed away.

The reason I feel I need to talk about this, is because I'm confused as why it has made me so sad!
I never knew him personally, I never met him face to face or even seen him across the street, yet when I think that Robin Williams is no longer with us, it makes me feel sad.
After thinking about this, I've realised why!
I like to make people laugh. I always have and I hope I always will, and Robin was one of my major influences as a kid.
There was him, Jim Carrey and Mike Myers.
Over time other names have been added to the list like, Will Ferrell and Kevin Smith, to name a few.
But I think it's the realisation that my hero's are starting to pass. Admittedly, this wasn't a natural death, but that doesn't really matter at the end of the day.
Sometimes those who make us smile, are the saddest of all.
R.I.P. Robin
Anyway that's all.
Just needed to get that off my chest.
Hopefully next time it'll be a happier post!