Thursday 23 October 2014

How to survive....


I think I have a swollen glands in my neck, and I can't even turn my head to the left without being in pain :(.

But I promised a post on how to attempt to live thrifty at uni.

Now I think the one of the biggest things that has helped me so far is, I had a stash of food to bring down with me to start with. And when I say stash, I mean a whole suitcase full of stuff like tinned things and cheesy pasta!

Now it may not look like the most delicious thing in the world, but trust me, it is amazing! It's cheap and apparently a box of it feeds 4 people, so you can eat it over the course of the day if you want as well.

Also another good idea is always go online and look for any companies that are doing any freebie offers.

Like, the other week there, McDonalds were celebrating 40 years in the UK, so you could get lots and LOTS of free food! I ate free McDonalds for 5 days straight!


I can't stress this part enough! Don't get me wrong, loads of places around you're uni will serve £1 drinks, but it'll still be cheaper if you drink before you head off out!

Play drinking games, throw parties....but don't drink on your own in your room, that leads to alcoholism.

p.s. always drink responsibly!

Till next time!


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