Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year Promise....

Hello my dears!!

Its been so long, I don't even know if i can still do this!

But here we go!

So its 2015, and again, I have another new plan...

As you know if you've read my blog before, I do the YouTube and stuff....which I've been as lax with recently as I have with this, however this is where my plan starts from.

I'm going to start "scheduling" my video uploads, which I want to do for every Wednesday.

However, I'm also going to start a second channel called WTDiet!?

That is probably quite self explanatory, its a channel where I'm going to discuss my my weight loss goals and talk about food ideas and what I've had to eat over the week and stuff like that.

The reason I haven't been writing or recording videos very often recently is because it was getting to the end of my first semester at uni and I had stuff to get done for that, which is sadly more important.

I've also got on the Breakfast Show for Spark FM!! Which I'm pretty pleased about. I co-host with the lovely Rosie Ramsey, and if you want to hear us tune in here between 7 and 10 am Monday and Wednesday! Spark

I've also got a job at SUN FM on the events team! Which I actually get paid for!! That will be my first official paid position in "the industry" and if I ever have kids, they can say "Oh daddy's in the busniess" hahaha!!

So, thats my plan for 2015.....well my online public-ness type thing....

Love WTK!?


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